After a Hearing
- How long will it take the Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee to make a decision?
- Who gets a copy of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee decision following a hearing?
- What information and documents are posted to the public register?
- What does it mean if a member has been ordered to pay costs or to reimburse the College for funding related to the therapy and counselling program?
- What does it mean when a member has been ordered to receive a reprimand?
- What does it mean if a member has been ordered to take coursework?
- Can Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee decisions be appealed?
- Once a certificate has been revoked by the Discipline Committee of Fitness to Practise Committee, can it be reinstated?
- Is it possible to receive a copy of the hearing transcript?
- Is it possible to receive copies of the hearing exhibits?