Member Information
- How do I access my member account on the College's website?
- How can I get copies of my Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR), OCT membership card, etc.?
- How do I update my home address, email address and/or employer information?
- How do I change my name, add a degree and/or add an honours designation to my degree?
- Do you accept documents electronically?
- Why is my name on the College's public register different than the name I usually go by?
- What information appears on the College's public register?
- How do I notify the College that a member has passed away?
- How do I change my status to retired on the College's public registry?
- How can I have the College recognize me by my common name?
- How can I get a copy of my tax receipt from my annual membership fee (AMF)?
- Can I have a former name removed from the College’s public register?
- Can I ask to have my name removed from the College's public register?