My qualifications are in Technological Education. Which Additional Qualifications (AQs) can I take?
If you have qualifications in Technological Education subjects, your certificate of qualification and registration enables you to complete a number of AQs, including any in Schedule C.
If you hold a degree, you could complete an AQ in the Primary, Junior, Intermediate or Senior Divisions with subjects from Schedule A.
Technology teachers with any background could complete courses from Schedule B in any broad-based technology with certain provisions:
- If the program is for a Grade 9 and 10 AQ, you do not need any specific prerequisites beyond the technological qualifications you already hold.
- If the AQ is for a Grade 11 and 12 technology, you will need one year of work experience and competence in that technology.
You could also complete the following three–session AQs from Schedule D:
- Actualisation linguistique en français / Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants
- Co-operative Education
- English as a Second Language
- Guidance and Career Education
- Inclusive Classroom
- Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction
- Media
- Music – Instrumental
- Music – Vocal, Intermediate and Senior
- Music – Vocal, Primary and Junior
- Reading
- Religious Education in Catholic Schools
- Special Education
- Teacher Leadership
- Teaching Students Who Are Blind
- Teaching Students Who Are Deaf-Blind
- Visual Arts
- Writing
In addition, teachers with technological qualifications who hold a degree can complete:
- Principal’s Qualifications providing they meet all the other prerequisites identified in regulation
- Supervisory Officer’s Qualification providing they meet all the other prerequisites identified in regulation.
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