How does a member file a Motion?
To make a motion, a member must fill out Form 5A: Notice of Motion and provide the following information:
- when the motion will be heard;
- what decision the panel should make;
- why the motion is being made; and
- the facts that support the motion (with supporting documentation).
The Notice of Motion and any supporting documents, must be submitted to the Tribunals’ Office by the Tuesday that is at least 10 days before the date that the motion will be heard by the panel. Any motion materials must be sent to the Tribunals’ Office by email ( College Counsel should be copied on the email.
Other Resources
- Members might find the following resources useful when preparing for their hearing:
- Rules of Procedure of the Discipline Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee
- Ontario College of Teachers Act
- Practice Direction for Electronic Proceedings
- CanLII for similar cases [use search term ONOCT]
- National Self-Represented Litigants Project: The CanLII Primer | CanLII)
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