What are Transitional Certificates and who can apply?
The Transitional Certificate is designed for teacher candidates who have successfully completed at least 30 postsecondary credits and 40 practicum days of their initial teacher education program. Transitional Certificates are valid for 18 months with the possibility of a one-time, six-month extension.
The Multi-Session Transitional Certificate is designed for teacher candidates who have completed the first session of their multi-session teacher education program. Multi-Session Transitional Certificates are valid for six years with the possibility of a one-time, one-year extension.
Transitional and Multi-Session Transitional Certificates are only available to teacher candidates who are enrolled in an accredited Ontario teacher education program. Both certificates require membership in good standing to remain valid.
Teachers who hold a transitional certificate from another Canadian province or territory may qualify for a College-issued Transitional Certificate or Multi-Session Transitional Certificate if deemed comparable.
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