Do I have to pass the Mathematics Proficiency Test to be certified by the College?
Ontario Applicants
Ontario applicants are individuals enrolled in, or who have completed a program of professional education in Ontario.
Ontario applicants who submit a complete application to the College for a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration on or after February 1, 2025, must successfully pass the MPT to be eligible for certification, whether or not the application was started before that date.
An application is only considered complete when the College receives:
- all required documentation, including proof of completion of an initial teacher education program, to the satisfaction of the Registrar.
Please see the College's Registration Guides to learn what documents are required to complete your application for certification with the College.
Applicants who are entitled to receive a certificate based on satisfying requirements to become teachers of Indigenous language (Native Languages) are exempt from test requirements.
Individuals granted a transitional or multi-session transitional certificate and converted to a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration before February 1, 2025, are not required to complete the MPT.
Individuals who are granted a transitional or multi-session transitional certificate and do not convert it to a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration before February 1, 2025, will be required to successfully pass the MPT, and complete their teacher education program in order to convert their transitional or multi-session transitional certificate to a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
Ontario Labour Mobility Applicants
Teachers who are certified in another Canadian province or territory and applying under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act (OLMA) are not required to complete the MPT.
Ontario Certified Teachers who currently hold a Transitional Certificate or Multi-Session Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration
Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) who hold a Transitional Certificate or a Multi-Session Transitional Certificate are not required to successfully complete the MPT if they convert their certificate to a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration before February 1, 2025.
OCTs who do not convert their certificate before February 1, 2025, will be required to successfully pass the MPT before they can convert their certificate to a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration. If their certificate is not converted prior to its expiration date, their certificate will expire, and they will no longer be eligible to teach in Ontario's publicly funded school system. If this occurs, the individual will need to re-apply to the College, pay all applicable fees and satisfy all current certification requirements, including successful completion of the MPT.
Internationally Educated Teacher Applicants
IET applicants who submit a complete application to the College on or after February 1, 2025, whether or not the application was started before that date, are required to pass the MPT within two years of their initial certification date with the College. Otherwise, their certificate will expire, and they will be ineligible to teach in Ontario until they pass the test and meet all other applicable certification requirements. A complete application includes the receipt of all required documentation, to the satisfaction of the Registrar.
IET applicants are individuals who completed a program of professional education outside of Canada, which led to certification to teach in that jurisdiction. All IET applicants must meet the MPT requirement.
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